Khamis, April 02, 2009

Should It end up like this?

Why do people have to promise.. later they forgot totally?

Why do people being happy at one time later they being totally messed up ?

Why do people tend to display kindness but the real thing is the opposite?

Why do people keep telling lies instead of truthness (avoiding any bad circumstances..."konon")?
Don't they realize?By being silence and keep avoiding the truth

The Outcome might be A DisasTer?

Maybe it'll end up UgLy.
Should It end Up liKe ThiS?

Born To Be Me...

2 ulasan:

Anda nak komen? Komenlah dengan penuh sopan-santun dan bertatasusila ye seperti masyarakat yang bertamadun...:) Orang berbudi, kita berbahasa, orang memberi, terima kasih la ye :D